Redefining play & joy

I’ve been thinking a lot about ‘play’ lately.

So often, I’ve received the message that I don’t play enough. I’m not joyful enough. I’m too serious, too intense, too concerned, too fill-in-the-blank…

Sound familiar?

For a long time I believed these stories. I would look at other women who seemed to hang in spontaneity better than I could, who laughed more than I did, who fill-in-the-blank more than I did… and I’d feel shame. Comparison can be so dang toxic.

And then one day when I was traveling, I had a huge insight around my inner landscape - around who exactly this Denise person is. Because I was without my journal and I didn’t not want to forget the downloads I was getting, I decided to record myself on video. When I watched the video back you know what I saw? I saw an intense, lit-up, passionate woman… and I was suddenly struck by the absolute fact that THIS is what JOY feels like in my body sometimes. And it was so gorgeous to watch this strong, fiery woman staring back at me.

Friends, let this be your invitation to write your own story around Play and Joy.

As much as play and joy can look like unbridled laughter and silliness… it can also look like subtle pink lip gloss, a new-to-you dress, or even a fiery-focused-passionate-intensity.

I love you.



Stop talking


Broken boots & a nourished heart